Client: Temasek Foundation
Year: 2019
Type of Project: #branding #publicawareness
For more than 2 years, we have been supporting Temasek Foundation in its social media communication, managing one social media account at the beginning, to three today. Our work on all three accounts involve strategising and creating content and emotive stories that befit the Foundation’s mission of supporting programmes that lead to social good, ensuring that we grow the audience size of the accounts, engage the audience with compelling content and build goodwill in the process.
One of our strategies is to identify with the client themes or major initiatives where there are opportunities to create mini campaigns to engage the audience and build goodwill for the Temasek Foundation brand.
the project
Last year, in conjunction with World Autism Awareness Day, Temasek Foundation wanted to raise awareness on the challenges that persons with autism face, and at the same time profile some of its programmes in Singapore that supports persons with autism and those with special needs.
We conceptualised and created a campaign consisting of a series of social media posts related to autism and special needs. The key content was a 4.5-min video highlighting the struggles and concerns of a mom with an adult son who has autism which was launched on Facbeook. To encourage cross-platform engagement, a shorter 1-min version of the video was edited for Instagram, with a bio link to the full-length video on Facebook. These were launched on 2 April.
View full videos here
Other posts on autism and special needs were rolled out over the course of the month. We profiled some beneficiaries from Temasek Foundation’s programmes and celebrated their achievements. We also seeded conversations among the social media audience through informational posts highlighting the types of developmental challenges which the term ‘special needs’ covers, the best way to speak to parents who have children with autism, what to do if a special needs child becomes lost and where parents can seek support for their children’s developmental needs.
the result
The video was reshared over almost 2,200 times within a 1-month period, and generated comments and conversation from parents of persons with autism as well as other members of the public. It is one of the top three best performing videos on Temasek Foundation Cares’ Facebook Page since its inception in 2015. The informational posts generated more than 3 times the average engagement per post. These included posts that had organic reach with no ad buys.
Due to the popularity of the video, it was reshared the following month on Mothers’ Day, and repositioned with a story angle of a mother’s concern and sacrifice for her adult son with autism. Over that weekend, the video garnered another 480 reactions, comments and shares.